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Your appointment with us and how you can help us:

Treatments in our practice only take place by prior appointment. If you would like an appointment, please give us a call.

We offer free consultation hours at Hauptstrasse 102 to patients currently being treated:

personal registration on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:45 a.m.


If you are unable to keep an agreed appointment, we ask that you cancel as early as possible.


We make every effort to consistently avoid waiting times. Since we are also available for emergency appointments, appointments may be postponed in individual cases. We will inform you about this situation in the specific case.


Please bring the following items with you to the appointment:

  • insurance card

  • Bank transfer (desired)

  • Important: please bring any previous findings with you (e.g. list of current medications, relevant medical reports, radiological findings, hospital discharge reports, laboratory printouts...)


After your visit: We look forward to constructive criticism personally and via platforms such as e.g. B. jameda in order to continuously improve our work.

We also look forward to your positive reviews if you were satisfied with us. Last but not least, such entries motivate us to increase our quality every day.

Documents for download

Dokumente zum Download

Medical history

Medical history

headache calendar

HIT questionnaire

Instructions for liberation maneuvers (positional vertigo)

Uploadmöglichkeit des ausgefüllten Patientenfragebogens (noch im Aufbau)

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